Thursday, January 27, 2011


Happy Birthday Delylah

A hug goodbye
Lennah, Delylah, & Sheridan

So we have been busy in January and actually had some snow here in GA. Yes! Snow which caused me to be out of work for a week and now I have lost my February break because of it but I did get to spend some great time with the kids so all is well. The kids loved the opportunity to play in the snow and just have a good time. So we had a lot of girls nights and did make your own pizzas which the girls loved to do, have movie night and hot cocoa, and just have fun. We were lucky because we were able to get out of our neighborhood so by the end of the week when most had lost their minds from being stuck in the house we were lucky enough to have a play date with our friend Sheridan. The girls had not seen their friend for a while so we headed to jump for joey's so the girls could exert some energy from being stuck in the house. They had a great time and were super excited to see their friend.

Delylah also had her official birthday on January 20th so my parents came over and we just had a small cake like we had done for Lennah back in December. It is a lot easier since we combined birthday parties but we still want to have a little something special for each of them on their birthdays.

Last weekend we also had a good time at the Disney store. They had a garden party for little girls and they got to come dressed up as their favorite princesses. They had games, crafts, and just a good time. Luckily for Christmas Uncle Billy got the girls princess costumes so Lennah went as Mulan and Delylah as Tiana. They loved it and lucky from me they were very good waiting in line and waiting for their turn to participate because Daddy had to work.

Lastly for news we have been matched with a sibling group. We do not want to get too excited because we had a potential match last month and it feel apart quickly so we have kept all of that info low key. But our social worker said that yes this is a match and the other social worker wants us for this group of kids. We know that whatever is meant to happen is truly in God's hands and he will expand our family when he sees fit. So hopefully we will have more to come on that as the process progresses and we know that nothing is going to fizzle out. For now just enjoy some pics of the kids from this past month.

Oh and I had the girls 3rd and 4th birthday pictures done. I don't know what happened to Delylah but it was like getting teeth pulled that day because she barely smiled and we only got 3 smiles our of like 20 shots. Oh well at least she did great for her Christmas photos. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Birthday Party and Snow

Lennah and Daddy on the ice

Our 2 Birthday Princesses

The Birthday Cake

Saturday we had the girls birthday party. It was the second year in a row that we combined the girls birthday parties. They decided they wanted an ice skating party. Lennah has been asking to do this for a while especially since her Big Ba is famous for watching the NY Rangers on TV. Mind you the girls had never been ice skating before but still wanted to forge ahead with this choice. Anyway it started out as a lovely party a lot of great friends showed up and we had pizza and cake. Then came time for the open skating session. I grabbed Delylah and Keith grabbed Lennah. Delylah had a hard time and freaked out. She counted figure out how to hunch a bit forward so her time on the ice was cut very short. Lennah also freaked out and gladly dashed off the ice. Low and behold Lennah got a little brazen and ventured back out with Keith and my friend Nicole holding her up on each side. Well she loved it. She wants to go back and go ice skating again. I am thinking that if we could go with another couple then Delylah would be able to be held up on both sides like Lennah did and she may actually like it. Which brings me as to why she never got to go back out and give the ice another whirl. Anyway we had about another half hour left on the ice and all of a our friend Lisa took a tumble on the ice. Well it was pretty bad and she had to get rushed to the ER for stitches. So it cut our party time a bit short. You always think it is a kid that is going to wind up having an accident and it turns out to be the adults. All was ok and she just wound up with a few stitches. She felt so bad that it happened but we are just glad she is ok. Good thing open skating was after the pizza and cake (just trying to look on the bright side). Overall we are still thankful the girls had a great party with family and friends.

Anyway, the day after the party we got hit with snow for the second time this winter season. It started Sunday night and stopped sometime during the night. Anyway, I have not had to work since which has been nice. The kids have enjoyed playing in the snow and spending some extra time with us. Keith's job even shut down for two days which is an anomaly. But it was great just spending quiet time together as a family since on the weekend's we have to go go go between errands, church, and whatever else it taking place.