Tuesday, July 15, 2008

NY/NJ and updates on Ethiopia

Delylah's new Outfits
Lennah on the plane


Lennah, Dylan, and Uncle Adam

Mommy, Lennah, and Victoria

Lennah and Franky

Lennah and Victoria at Belmar Beach

Aunt Jaime, Lennah, and Victoria

Lennah and Victoria

Being out of town makes it difficult to blog. So let me start with where we are at with Delylah's impending adoption day approaching. We are still having issues with USCIS. I just emailed and phoned today and hopefully I will hear back from them. So if (and I mean if) we pass court this could present another problem because we cannot have an embassy appointment without this little piece of paper. Mind you this is my second adoption and the first time around we were one of the unfortunates that waited 4 months for approval and it looks like that way again. Why did they have to lose my papers this time. AHHHHH! We are also worried a bit about court. I have had good feeling but the other families that were set before are now having difficulties because their court dates came and went and now they have to reschedule this could mean that they still have to go before us but we have not heard from the adoption agency about this and I am sure they would have contacted us if this was going to affect our case. So please still pray for Monday. I just want everything to take place that day so bad because of the special meaning it will hold year after year.

Now for our trip. Lennah had a blast chasing around Dylan and Victoria. I am worried about Lennah being a big sister (jealousy issues etc.) but she would definately make a great little sister. She loved following around the big kids and trying to do what they do. She would run down the hallways calling their names and jumping on their beds. TOO cute. We visited Belmar beach, which Lennah made me look like a liar because I told everyone that she would refuse to walk on sand and we would have to carry her everywhere because our last trip she would whine if she got even one grain of sand on her. We just hung out, ate a lot of food, and watched the kids play. Now Lennah has returned with a cold or maybe something more so tomorrow it is off to the pediatrician we go. Hopefully, it is not one of Lennah's famous ear infections.

While visiting my BF Jaime and I went shopping and we picked Delylah up a few new outfits. Not thinking I was going to make the court closure I returned the three new ones I bought earlier.


Unknown said...

Have fun! Love the pics and we are praying for you

Christi Crow said...

We're praying for Miss Delylah!

Steve and Aimee Walker said...

You'll be in my thoughts at mass this weekend. Delylah needs to come home!