Thursday, November 20, 2008

10 months today

A Happy Soon to Be Birthday Girl

They don't always look at the camera

Delylah reading

Delylah and Unlce Billy

Lennah and her hippo

Play with me Daddy

Playing before their pics

Lennah hugging her baby doll

Daddy after many hours of work
Lennah trying to play with baby Jesus
I wish she would smile like this for pro pictures

Another big smile

Well again I have been slacking at my posts. Today Delylah turned 10 months old. Time is flying by and it is almost sad that they are growing up so quickly. Delylah got her first tooth last Thursday. I was worried that she would be gumming her brithday cake in january. We have been super busy around here with preparing for Thanksgiving and getting a jump start on Christmas. Keith works a lot around the holidays so we have to find time to decorate and get all that fun stuff done usually before Thanksgiving so yes we are one of those crazy families with our Christmas trees up and decorations out in the front of our house. Our family Christmas pics were done the other day and Lennah's second birthday pictures. Lennah actually had some great B-day portraits done. It is hard to believe that in 10 days she will be two. She is just talking up a storm and has become a parrot. I have also been in the midst of getting her birthday party details going which is happening the sunday after thanksgiving. I know bad timing to have a party on that weekend when lots of people are out of town but we planned it the weekend after originally but Lennah will be in the local parade with her dance group on the Santa float. Anyway, here are lots of pics to catch everyone up and Happy ten months my sweet little baby.


Unknown said...

i cant get enough of pics of your family..beautiful

Kim said...

Great pictures! Love the ones with the whole family. The girls are growing so fast. Hope you've been getting my emails.

Aimee said...

So cute. Brynly has that same little polka dot dress with the maribou cuffs. :)