Friday, March 20, 2009

14 Months

Lennah in her recital costume

Delylah in her dance attire

We told Delylah to put her coat on and here's what she did LOL

Sharing my snacks with Jesse

What a face!

Delylah diapering her baby

This is what happens when Daddy picks out the outfits

It is hard to believe but Delylah is 14 months old today. She is progressing so fast. Delylah just started dance class several weeks ago and she loves it. She is the youngest in her class but she started learning all the dances from going and watching Lennah so they said even though she is young we might as well enroll her since she knows a lot of the dances. She is also talking a lot. I guess a lot of it comes from having a big sister to keep up with. She follows Lennah around and tries to do whatever Lennah does. This does also cause major problems because they are constantly fighting over toys but Delylah can hold her own. Actually Delylah now can really instigate some fights. Several weeks ago we were in target and they have there carts where the kids can face each other and it became a hair pulling fest in the store that Delylah started. I can laugh about it now but boy was that incident embarassing. Other than the occasional hair pulling and fighting the girls are doing really good. Lennah now hugs and kisses Delylah good night which is so cute.
We are also getting ready for our Disney trip which is really exciting. We leave in less than 3 months and Lennah is really excited. We talk about how she is going to Disney to see the Princesses and she gets all happy and yells YEAHHH! Hopefully Delylah will have a good time like Lennah did last year even though she is so young.

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