Saturday, May 16, 2009


I usually just don't throw up random posts any more because our lives are hectic but I have just been so happy at the way Lennah and Delylah have been playing together lately I thought I would share. They now play together by chasing each other around the house. Lennah demands that she gives Delylah a hug and kiss before Delylah goes to bed. Occassionally Lennah will share that is something we still have to work on here and there but they have finally gotten the hang of being sisters. Yesterday I was in Kohl's with the kids and Lennah and Delylah were in the double stroller and Lennah kept pointing at Delylah and telling everyone in the store that she was her sister. It was too cute. It is just so much fun to watch them playing together.


Christi Crow said...

They are too cute! I bet your getting excited about that Disney trip! I hope you have a great time. Oh, and that picture on my blog came from a poem called Mother Bridge of Love.

Christi Crow said...

They are too cute! I bet your getting excited about that Disney trip! I hope you have a great time. Oh, and that picture on my blog came from a poem called Mother Bridge of Love.