Sunday, August 3, 2008

5 Years 1 Day and Counting Blessings

I guess let me start off by mentioning that 5 years ago yesterday I married the most awesome man in the world. I cannot explain how wonderful my life is because I married such a great man who is one of the most devoted fathers I have seen. Not everyone gets lucky the first time out and I have and that truly is a blessing. We had a quiet day as a family and that was a perfect way to celebrate 5 years of bliss.
Let me back track to Friday in order to count some more blessings. Friday was our First Friday's meeting night. I decided to bring a friend who has struggled being able to conceive a second child. I was hoping that seeing so many other families with adopted children from families of all different situations may play on her heart. What I left with was this; adoption truly is not for everyone. I guess it was a hard concept for me to grasp because I can't imagine why anyone would not want to bring a beautiful child into their life regardless of a biological connection. But obviously God does not place the burden of adoption on everyone's heart and it took me time to see that. Which essentially leads me back to what I wanted to count my blessings for. Years ago God just opened my eyes to the possibly of adopting. Granted it did not turn out the way I thought it would, but he did. I said before Keith came into my life I wanted to have biological children and then adopt a little girl from China because I knew about their orphan situation. Keith came into my life and we were faced with the problems that are common for millions of other couples; infertility. But now I count my blessings for this. Yes we could have tried other options to have children but I knew that adoption was on my heart anyway. God did not send me to China because my daughters were not meant to come from there but he sent me my beautiful girls. I prayed for a child and Yes! God was listening. I know so many of us think at the lowest points of our lives that God was not listening but he was, he did give me children just not the way I thought he would have. Regardless of genetic traits, biological connections they are my little girls and will be until the day Keith and I die. So I want to thank God for blessing us with infertility. His burden years ago made it easy for my to take the news because he knew what was in store for me and he prepared me. Yes! I wish every infertile or even non-infertile couple out there wanted to adopt so every child would have a home but that is not in God's plan. I just need to celebrate the fact that it was his plan for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!