Friday, August 8, 2008

Only Six Days and What a Week

Six More days until I leave for Ethiopia. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. I am so nervous about going alone this time and sad. I really do wish we could both go. I am just so worried about what if something goes wrong and I get stuck there without Keith or Lennah. I know I cannot be away from my other baby for long. But I have to be positive because I will soon be holding our newest bundle of joy. I am still in the midst of packing which is not going well because I am traveling alone. I want to be able to check two bags going and return with one because of donations and that is just not working out. What ever happened to duffle bags? My plan was to have a soft bag that I could fold up on the way home and stuff in my other luggage but I have not been successful at finding something like that. I still have to wash some more clothes for Delylah because I have bought her several fall outfits that I will probably need to take with me because it is not that hot there.

Besides impending travel Lennah has had a busy week. We have been playing with kids almost everyday and she is wore out. That is a rarity for my big girl because she is so full of energy. I am also proud of her because she has been kind of a bully lately and today she was really nice to baby Meron.


Jessica and Eddie said...

I am so happy for you--Both your girls are just precious.

Laura said...

Yes, Lennah was very nice to Meron!

I am so excited for you! I am excited to hold Delylah again!

I am sitting her right now showing Meron all the pictures of her and Meron is going crazy! I think she remembers her!

Love to you!

We are praying for you!

The Hoffmans