Mommy and Lennah


Lennah petting Jesse

My first outing to Starbucks
It has been two months that Lennah has been officially ours. She is growing so fast and learning at light speed. She can talk up to 6 steps on her own but most of the time we just catch her taking about 2-3. I think her progress with independent walking will be slow since she is so little. It is just funny to watch her get up take two or three steps and then plop down on her little butt. Her new task for the week that she has picked up is waving bye-bye. She just watches us flap our hands and she follows right along. I think that she is really advanced for not even being ten months old but that could be just a proud mommy talking. Today, was another milestone she went to the nursery in church today. I was hestitant about leaving her but they say she did great. I really wanted her to interact with other babies her age since she is doing grandpa daycare and doesn't get to hang out with other babies during the day. Tomorrow will be a sad day for me because it is the first night we are letting her sleep at grandma and grandpas house. I have to work late and I will not be off until 8:30 and I do not want to have to wake up from there just to take her home put her to bed and bring her back in the morning. I am not happy about it but occasionally there are nighttime school activities that I have to be at and Keith is still working nights. Overall, we are just more and more in love with her everyday. We are already trying to make plans to start another adoption in a few months since this was such an awesome experience and Lennah needs a sibling. Here are some new photos of our baby girl. Also say some prayers for the families that are in Vietnam right now that their travels be safe.
P.S. Thank you Kelli for the wonderful bows, She looks beautiful in them.