I have been the world's worst blogger. I know it has been more than two months, Halloween gone, Thanksgiving gone, and no posts. Life has been busy with two little ones, school (still working on my doctorate), and work. The girls are doing great and growing like weeds. Delylah is certainly developing a little temper. Last week she told me I was mean because I wouldn't let her do something. Lennah continues to be my wild child but just as loveable as ever. Lennah also had her third birthday but we are not celebrating officially until January 9th since we decided to have both girls birthday parties together this year. Delylah is almost at two although she tells everyone she is two now. These two just continue to bring such joy to our lives.
On that note we are excited to announce that we are about to begin another journey. We have decided to pursue an adoption in Rwanda. This time things will be handled so differently because we are not using an agency since that is what the Rwandan government prefers. We are also looking to adopt a son this time since we have two daughters. It will definitely be a journey. I am sure the process will not go as quickly as last because it will be trial and error but I have become an expert at paperwork at this point so it is a feat we are willing to undertake. I guess with another impending adoption I will be posting more since so much of the blog was decidated to the wait of the girls. Too bad I have been so bad about blogging since Delylah has come home.