Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

I have been so behind at posting. Life is very busy with two kids. I could only imagine how nuts things would be if we had more at the moment. To update all Delylah is really getting the hang of walking. She can clear about a half a room without falling in her bum. It took Lennah about 3 weeks to cruise really well so I expect Delylah to clear a full room really soon. Lennah has been potty training all week and today we were accident free. I figured Lennah would be easy to potty train since she first went on the potty around 19-20 months old. I just didn't want to push the issue if she wasn't ready and this week was the perfect opportunity since I have off for the holidays.

The girls had a great Christmas. Lennah really got into the gift opening this year and was excited to see all her toys. Delylah on the other hand was really excited over gift wrap and thought it was a late morning snack. She would rip a present and pop a piece of wrap in her mouth. Hopefully next year she will lose her taste buds for gift wrap. Keith was totally surpised since I spoiled him this year with an X-box 360. I even gave him some time off daddy duty Christmas day so he can enjoy some game play time. We also heard this week that Keith's brother and his wife are expecting. This will be the first cousin that the girls have so we are excited. The only problem is that they live in California so the kids getting together to play together is not going to happen for quite some time. But we are excited for our family and this new addition.

Overall it was a great Christmas all around with lots to be thankful for. We have been blessed with another daughter this year and life could not be better. Enjoy the pics from the past few weeks.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Well I am officially in trouble with two kids on the run. Delylah took her first steps yesterday. The sad part is Keith nor I was able to see it since Big Ba (Grandpa) watched her first steps. Today she did decide she would show off her new skills to me when I got home from work. By the end of tonight she could go about three steps before she plopped down on her butt. Delylah has come so far from being a baby that couldn't even sit up on her own at almost 7 months old and just a week and two days shy of turning 11 months she is walking. What a miracle!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Lennah and Thanksgiving

The former cribmates hanging together

Yes Daddy did some cake damage on the way in
Lennah with her new Dora vanity
Lennah advertising apple slices. ummmm! delicious

Daddy put me down!

Love that smile!

Shhhhh! Princess sleeping

Lennah at the big kids table for Thanksgiving

Before I recap since the last post, it is officially Lennah's second birthday today. Happy Birthday my beautiful big girl. It is so hard to believe that she is already two. This year has flown by and she is growing up so fast. I love how she interacts with us and is able to communicate so much with us but at the same time it is bittersweet because it seems like only yesterday I saw her picture for the first time and she was placed in our arms. We had her birthday party yesterday and it was a great party with food and friends. I, of course, love to cook so I made too much food that we will be eating throughout the week. Since Lennah is a Dora the Explorer nut we had a dora themed birthday party. Delylah even enjoyed the party especially because her former cribmates Meron and Ethiopian boyfriend Charlie joined us. Lennah had a blast and was so excited over everyone coming to see her
To catch up on what has been going on; we have been busy, busy, busy. Christmas shopping with family and Thanksgiving celebrations. Obviously, we had a lot to be greatful for this year. I have a wonderful husband that is the best (not many men can go on several hours of sleep from working a twelve hour day, take care of their girls, and go back to work and do it all over again; not to mention still manage to give me a foot massage every now and again) Yes! my hubby is awesome, two beautiful daughters that we love more than anything, so thankful to God for allowing us to parent and love these two girls, my parents, brother, and our great extended family, and friends.
Keith had to work on our first thanksgiving celebration that me and my family spent with his aunt and uncle unfortunately but they spent this weekend with us so that made up with his absence. We had a great thanksgiving with pumpkin waffles and more for breakfast and lots of turkey for dinner that I am still trying to get rid of.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

10 months today

A Happy Soon to Be Birthday Girl

They don't always look at the camera

Delylah reading

Delylah and Unlce Billy

Lennah and her hippo

Play with me Daddy

Playing before their pics

Lennah hugging her baby doll

Daddy after many hours of work
Lennah trying to play with baby Jesus
I wish she would smile like this for pro pictures

Another big smile

Well again I have been slacking at my posts. Today Delylah turned 10 months old. Time is flying by and it is almost sad that they are growing up so quickly. Delylah got her first tooth last Thursday. I was worried that she would be gumming her brithday cake in january. We have been super busy around here with preparing for Thanksgiving and getting a jump start on Christmas. Keith works a lot around the holidays so we have to find time to decorate and get all that fun stuff done usually before Thanksgiving so yes we are one of those crazy families with our Christmas trees up and decorations out in the front of our house. Our family Christmas pics were done the other day and Lennah's second birthday pictures. Lennah actually had some great B-day portraits done. It is hard to believe that in 10 days she will be two. She is just talking up a storm and has become a parrot. I have also been in the midst of getting her birthday party details going which is happening the sunday after thanksgiving. I know bad timing to have a party on that weekend when lots of people are out of town but we planned it the weekend after originally but Lennah will be in the local parade with her dance group on the Santa float. Anyway, here are lots of pics to catch everyone up and Happy ten months my sweet little baby.