Lennah at the big kids table for Thanksgiving
Before I recap since the last post, it is officially Lennah's second birthday today. Happy Birthday my beautiful big girl. It is so hard to believe that she is already two. This year has flown by and she is growing up so fast. I love how she interacts with us and is able to communicate so much with us but at the same time it is bittersweet because it seems like only yesterday I saw her picture for the first time and she was placed in our arms. We had her birthday party yesterday and it was a great party with food and friends. I, of course, love to cook so I made too much food that we will be eating throughout the week. Since Lennah is a Dora the Explorer nut we had a dora themed birthday party. Delylah even enjoyed the party especially because her former cribmates Meron and Ethiopian boyfriend Charlie joined us. Lennah had a blast and was so excited over everyone coming to see her
To catch up on what has been going on; we have been busy, busy, busy. Christmas shopping with family and Thanksgiving celebrations. Obviously, we had a lot to be greatful for this year. I have a wonderful husband that is the best (not many men can go on several hours of sleep from working a twelve hour day, take care of their girls, and go back to work and do it all over again; not to mention still manage to give me a foot massage every now and again) Yes! my hubby is awesome, two beautiful daughters that we love more than anything, so thankful to God for allowing us to parent and love these two girls, my parents, brother, and our great extended family, and friends.
Keith had to work on our first thanksgiving celebration that me and my family spent with his aunt and uncle unfortunately but they spent this weekend with us so that made up with his absence. We had a great thanksgiving with pumpkin waffles and more for breakfast and lots of turkey for dinner that I am still trying to get rid of.
love love love your updates and i have missed you guys.
beautiful family
Happy Birthday, Lennah!
Awwww, happy birthday Lennah! LOVE the DORA vanity!
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