Sorry I have not posted sooner but the day after Christmas Lennah and I went to NY for a quick visit and I did not have time to update her blog to post her Christmas pictures. This year was extra special because it was Lennah's first Christmas home. Christmas Eve we had a few hitches but nothing we couldn't handle. Keith got a flat tire on the way home from work which caused him to come home late and not get to see Lennah on Christmas Eve or attend church with us. This was a little disappointing because in our family Christmas Eve is our big dinner. However, Christmas morning was a hit. Lennah had a blast opening her presents and trying out all her new toys. Honestly, she was probably overwhelmed since she had a mound of presents under the tree. I am happy because there were some gifts she really loved like her little mommy shopping cart. It is adorable to watch her push her cart around the house with her baby doll in it. She also loved her laugh and learn home. Definate recommendations for those of you outh there shopping for little girls.
The next day Lennah and I took off for our trip. I was really worried that I would struggle with her on the plane; especially since I was alone. Lennah turned out to be a gem on the plane. Our trip was a typical trip for me. Stay with our friends in NJ and visit NYC. I was really looking forward to taking Lennah to see the tree but the streets were insane and it was really difficult to push a stroller through the crowds. We were fortunate enough to get a behind the scenes tour of NBC studios thanks to Adam's Aunt. I also wanted to take Lennah to the American Girl Store but the line was around the block. Other than that we have a good time and she was great on the plane ride home.
Overall, I hope everyone out there has a great new year. I know this year will also be special because we should have Delylah home next Christmas and Lennah will have a little sister to share her holidays with.
1 comment:
Shes adorable!
Im having a mixed baby.
Im looking forward to him coming! I hope he is as cute as Lennah.
Have a good one!
- Sammie
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