Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Year Ago

One Year Ago

One year ago we were blessed with wonderful news for the second time around. While on vacation in Disney we received the news that we were going to be parents again to a beautiful 2 month old baby girl. Time has gone so fast and Delylah has brought so much joy to our lives within the past year. We had a rocky road to travel to get her with many ups and downs and at points we were unsure if her adoption would come to be with the freeze on adoptions from her orphanage for a brief period of time but when all was said and done God had a plan. His plan was for us to be her parents and for her to be our daughter. This time last year I was so shocked beyond belief when we received that phone call. It was one of the biggest surprises of our lives. Surprise because we did not expect a referral so quick. We are truly thankful that God has blessed us with two beautiful and smart daughters and today we celebrate what he has given us. Delylah is growing into a smart and vivacious little girl who has a whole world ahead of her with us there to guide her.


Kim said...

What a difference a year makes! I can still remember the email you sent us - what a surprise that was!
She is beautiful.

Aimee said...

Hi Cathy.
What a year!
Just got your comment on my blog. We will definately take any of the girl's clothes you would like to donate. THANKS!!!!
email me, I will send my ship address. aimeelrichards@yahoo.com

nancy said...

she is getting more and more beautiful as time goes on....