Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sad for Many Families

The last week has been a devastating time in the international adoption community. Kazakhstan had shut down adoptions as of yesterday and Vietnam is in such terrible shape no one knows how that will turn out. Basically, Vietnam may be closing its doors because an agreement between our government and theirs has not been made. Some families will make a cut off point to still be processed and receive their referrals while others may have to wait. The last time something like this happened in Vietnam it was 2 years before their program started back up again. Although I am truly sad for the families who are waiting I am especially sad for the children who may be left in orphanages because of our two governments. Children who would have warm beds and go to sleep on a full belly. Lennah was fed off $13.00 per month and she was one of the fortunate ones from our group whom we traveled with. Imagine receiving so little and living in an orphange for 2 or 3 years. We take for granted that we have what we want when we want it, we can do to a drive thru and order food while these kids have maybe porridge and formula for the first years of their lives. IT just saddens me so to know that so many may have to wait on bureaucracy to get a home. When all is said and done I know many of us dreamed of families for various reasons but essentially this is about the kids. With 143 million orphans in the world it should not be that hard to place a child in a home when there are people out there who want to open their hearts to children. I am keeping all the families in waiting and the children in our prayers and I ask you to do the same.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

AMEN!!!! That has been one of the hardest things with our current situation... we have to wait 3 years to get back to our Vietnamese adoption!!! May God be with these children and the families he has picked out for them!!!