Monday, March 31, 2008

Dossier off to DC

Well, we have word that our dossier will be sent from Illien to DC tomorrow. It should be there a week getting all the seals it needs, return to Atlanta, then off the Ethiopia. We are close to a referral and are getting excited. However, we have many a bad mishaps (car accident for Keith, tree falling on our fence, septic pump is out, etc) fall upon us recently so hopefully they will come to an end so we can both travel to pick up Baby Delylah. Which now I have been second guessing the name and thinking that maybe we should have went with Taite Annabelle. I really like both names but this will most likely be our last infant since Grandpa daycare will be at capacity. Our next adoption will most likely be a child at least 4-5 since we want to be able to place them straight into school. Anyway, I have a point this child will most likely be a boy so Taite will never get used as a name and I just hate to think I loved this name and never had a daughter with it. AHHHH! dilemas.

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