Monday, July 7, 2008

Lunch Date and General Updates

Daddy and Lennah making sure their teeth are clean

Lennah and her new baby

Laura, Meron, and Lennah

Lennah trying to get in to play with Meron

What a cute smile

Today we had a great day, Lennah and I were able to finally meet baby Meron. Laura and Meron came over for lunch. It was wonderful to see baby Meron home and just knowing that there is a light at the end of our tunnel and that Delylah will eventually come home from Ethiopia. Meron is just so adorable and a big girl. I know I already have to prepare myself because Delylah is a little chunk herself. Meron has such a cute cry she just looks opens her mouth and it takes about a minute for it to come out and when she does it is a whiny cry. I know at Lennah's age whinning can be really difficult to tolerate but at Meron's age it is cute. Lennah was a little difficult with Meron, she wanted to touch and grab things from the baby and of course Lennah does not realize that her grabbing hurts. I hope we can work on this before Delylah gets home and even in general because I definately do not want her known as the town bully. Hopefully, we will get to see more of them and keep Meron and Delylah together since they come from the same orphanage. We have been really blessed with being able to keep Lennah in contact with Lilly from her orphanage so we are hoping Delylah can also have a friend that just basically was in the same situation.

Lennah is also starting to say some really cute things. Tonight in the bathroom I told her I love you and she goes ahhh ove oooo. She still says words unclear and every parent understands only there child so it was so cute to hear her say it. She also finished her lunch yesterday flip over the container and goes all gone. My other favorite is how she can now answer questions. I asked her if she wanted to go downstairs and play and she said Yeahhhh! She is growing up so fast. I miss the baby days but I am starting to enjoy her being able to tell me more and ask for more.
We are also asking to keep several families in prayer for us. Nancy who is in Ethiopia right now visiting with her baby Eden whom she is unable to bring home, Anna who is also traveling to visit with her son Charlie who she can't bring home, and another family who I need to keep private whose adoption will not be taking place.

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