Monday, July 28, 2008

Potty Anyone?

Today was a huge milestone for our now big girl. Yes! She used the potty. Lennah often tells us that she needs a diaper change. I, of course, think this is advanced. So today she was in the bath tub and she told me she had to go by pointing and saying potty. It is right next to the tub so I pulled her out and put her on the potty and she went. Of course she received a big cheer and lots of clapping which is which she likes; to be cheered on. Later on she again pointed at her diaper and starting going towards the potty. I took her diaper off. Well needless to say she began to go to the potty but on the floor and I picked her up put her on the potty and she finished (by the way this was number 2 for those of you thinking she left a puddle across the floor). Still a big step for us because she is not quite 20 months old yet. It would be nice if she was potty trained before Delylah gets home because I have been calculating the cost of two in diapers and no it is not pretty.


G&K said...

That's great. Our son was a slow learner. ;-) I know this is a very busy time for you, but I just wanted to check if you received my email I sent in response to your post about the dresses and tea. Sometimes emails get sent to the junkmail folder and are never seen again. If you missed it, just email me at showme69 at yhti dot net

Steve and Aimee Walker said...

That's great!!!! How easy for you. I know a lot of parents really struggle with potty training.

Mary said...

This is sooooo big! Only a mother could understand what this means and be so excited for you! Having had two boys who are the messiest and the slowest of potty trainees, this is GREAT! I hope she is trained before you go. In the meantime, I WILL have two in diapers--AGAIN. What am I thinking??! But I'm sure the girls will be much better at appeasing their mother:) (ha,ha,ha).

Christi Crow said...

Yeah Lennah! I can't believe how big she is getting!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You leave in less than two weeks to bring home your beautiful girl. How exciting! I'm so happy for you guys.
